
We Are Creature started with a couple of friends from church just enjoying writing songs together and decided to start recording them.
We love God and want others to love Him more deeply too and so music seemed to be the way we could share that.
Why are we called ‘We Are Creature’?
As humans we can so easily forget our place in creation. We tend to take things into our own hands and basically become gods in our own worlds. We put ourselves, our desires and our thoughts up on the throne of our hearts.
We wanted a name that would keep bringing us back to the humble state we always need reminding to be in, as created beings of the God of the universe. Created to bring His name glory, not our own.
So in all our songs we aim to point to God always. This is the purpose of our music. And in doing this, we pray to nourish your hearts and minds with truth so that you would come to know your creator more fully. In all you do, we encourage you to bring glory to God.
Grace, peace and love to you all.
~We Are Creature 🙏🏼


Once was a dead man walking
Chased whatever pleased me
Even on my best days
Satisfaction was fleeting
Then you called my name
Put in me a new heart
Opened up my eyes
And made me see
You’ve erased my sin
Paid the price for me
No longer a slave
I’m redeemed
Your mercy shown
Your grace received
Now I am in Christ
I am free
I am free
Now my chains have fallen
Not bound to condemnation
Called to a life that’s greater
In Christ a new creation
Following your way
Living for your glory
Trusting in your grace
Walking by the Spirit now in me
You’ve erased my sin
Paid the price for me
No longer a slave
I’m redeemed
Your mercy shown
Your grace received
Now I am in Christ
I am free
I am free
From the ashes
You bring beauty
By your blood
You have renewed me
Death defeated
You rose in victory
So we praise your name
You’ve erased my sin
Paid the price for me
No longer a slave
I’m redeemed
Your mercy shown
Your grace received
Now I am in Christ
I am free
I am free
Look to the heavens
The work of Your hands
The whole earth it blesses
Your holy name
Let us be glad
offer our praise
For You are worthy
The Ancient of days
You gave breath to these lungs
Life to these bones
all that we have
Is from you alone
All creation sings only of you
Your glorious splendour
God, good and true
Giver of life
Oh Sovereign God
Light in the darkness
Hope of all
Rock of salvation
Our righteousness
Love undeserving
His gift of grace
You gave breath to these lungs
You gave life to these bones
All that I have
Is from you alone
All Creation sings
Only of you
Your glorious splendour
God, good and true
So we will lift our voice
And we will praise your name
Let us proclaim
Our God is great
You gave breath to these lungs
You gave life to these bones
All that I have
Is from you alone
All Creation sings
Only of you
Your glorious splendour
God, good and true

Email: wearecreaturemusic@gmail.com